Shop 4% Friday on July 28th to Support Skagit Gleaners

Skagit Gleaners' purpose is to provide food, household merchandise, and clothing to frugal, waste-conscious, and working families.

Skagit Gleaners does this by rescuing surplus food and products from local businesses, keeping such items out of overflowing landfills. Skagit Gleaners’ mission is to foster a community of sustainability and stewardship to diverse, working families through a community-driven model while reducing food waste in the community.

How Will Your Shopping Trip Support Skagit Gleaners?

Skagit Gleaners will use funds from 4% Friday to purchase more culturally appropriate fresh produce from local Mexican-Indigenous farm owners during high harvest months, which is when Skagit Gleaners’ sees a concentration of seasonal farmworkers using its services. These funds will further vitalize migrant-owned businesses while providing equitable access to food for the migrant community.