
光明节,也被称为灯节,开始于12月18日星期日! And while you likely have a whole stack of family recipes to make, 我们在这里提供我们自己的菜肴系列,一定会为你的餐桌增添一些节日气息. 隐藏梦幻蛋糕,有人要吗?



What’s a Hannukah dinner table without sufganiyot? Known as the traditional jelly-filled donut of hannukah, sufganiyot are fun to make and even more enjoyable to devour.


  • 2 /12至3杯未漂白面粉

  • 1 1/2 tablespoons quick rise or instant 酵母

  • 1/4杯糖,再加一些用来擀面

  • 半茶匙新鲜磨碎的肉豆蔻

  • 1茶匙盐

  • 半杯水,加热到120度

  • 2汤匙融化的无盐黄油

  • 2个大鸡蛋

  • 3 cups vegetable oil, plus more for bowl

  • 半杯糖粉,用来撒粉

  • 一杯过筛的无籽覆盆子果酱


  1. In a stand mixer with dough hook or large bowl, 混合两杯半面粉, 酵母, 糖, 肉豆蔻和盐. Mix with the dough hook or a sturdy spoon. Heat the water to 120 degrees and add the melted 黄油, 把搅拌器调小, 或者用手, 加入热液体搅拌. 加入鸡蛋,用面团钩或手揉,直到面团柔软、光滑和柔软. 如果面团很粘, 加入剩下的半杯面粉(如果面团仍然粘稠的话),把它揉进去, add a few additional tablespoons flour as you knead). Transfer to an oiled bowl and cover with a damp towel. Let the dough rise until doubled, about an hour.

  2. Flour the counter and transfer the dough to the floured space. Form the dough into a rectangle and roll out to 1/4 inch thick.

  3. 用一个2-1/2英寸的饼干切刀或一个有2-1/2英寸开口的玻璃杯来切面团. 转移到有边缘的烤盘上,用保鲜膜盖上. 让面团发酵15分钟. 准备一个有三层纸巾的平底锅,用来吸干完成的Sufganiyot.

  4. 将油倒入深油炸锅或2夸脱的平底锅中,深3-4英寸. 将油加热到370华氏度.

  5. Carefully slip four rounds of dough into the hot oil. Use a spider strainer to flip the rounds to cook them evenly. They will become quite golden brown within a minute or two per side. 转移到纸巾上沥干水分. 继续直到所有的子弹都被炸开.

  6. Use a fine-meshed sieve to dust the hot rounds with powdered 糖.

  7. 将果酱放入裱花袋中,顶端开口约1/4-1/3英寸. 用削皮刀的尖端在每个圆的侧面钻一个小洞, 然后用管子把果酱塞进每个瓶子里, 每轮大约2茶匙.

  8. Dust with more powdered 糖 and serve. 这些保存一天,盖紧.




你知道吗,latkes是用来提醒人们,那一小罐灯油奇迹般地持续了八个晚上? 这些炸土豆煎饼不仅仅是象征性的,它们绝对是不可抗拒的.

唯一剩下的问题是——你会把你的饼干加苹果酱吗, 酸奶油, 或两个?


  • 2磅育空黄金土豆

  • 1个中洋葱

  • 两个大鸡蛋,打匀

  • 1/4杯面粉或松饼粉

  • 半茶匙白胡椒粉

  • 1茶匙盐

  • 2个中号葱花,切碎

  • 一杯植物油,用来煎炸

  • 酸奶油或希腊酸奶

  • 苹果酱


  1. 使用食品加工机的粗碎盘或手动磨碎器将土豆磨碎, 然后是洋葱. 将磨碎的蔬菜放入滤锅中沥干水分,按下滤出液体. 然后把磨碎的蔬菜放在干净光滑的厨房毛巾中间排成一行. Roll the towel tightly around potatoes and onion, twist and squeeze over the sink to remove as much liquid as possible.

  2. 在一个大碗里,放入鸡蛋,面粉,胡椒,盐和葱,搅拌均匀. Add potatoes and onions and stir thoroughly.

  3. 你可以用两个12英寸的煎锅一次煎所有的latkes,或者用一个平底锅煎两批. 如果你打算一次烹饪所有的食物,在铺有纸巾的烤盘上放一个冷却架. Or, if frying in batches, heat the oven to 200°F. 然后把冷却架放在烤箱的烤盘上,在上桌前保持热.

  4. 在锅里倒入四分之一英寸深的油,然后把火调到中高. When the oil shimmers, drop in a potato shred. If it bubbles up immediately, the oil is hot enough. Use a quarter-cup measure to scoop potato batter, 用你的手指把它塞进去, 然后将每一勺轻轻放入油中. Flatten with the bottom of the cup to about a half-inch thick. Repeat, leaving space between patties in the pan.

  5. Cook each latke for about 3 minutes per side, reducing heat to medium if they begin browning too quickly. 当它们变黄变脆时,转移到烤盘上准备好的架子上. 直到面糊全部煮熟.

  6. 配酸奶油和苹果酱食用.




Another must-have treat for 光明节 is rugelach! While poppy seed is the most common filling, 果酱, 煮熟的水果, or chocolate chips are all a great twist on a classic.



  • 一根半黄油,室温

  • 8盎司奶油奶酪,室温

  • 2杯面粉

  • 半杯糖

  • 1/4茶匙盐


  • 半杯罂粟籽

  • 1/4杯牛奶

  • 3汤匙蜂蜜

  • 2汤匙葡萄干,切碎

  • 半茶匙柠檬皮


  1. Cream 黄油 and 奶油芝士 together until fluffy. Add flour, 糖 and 盐 and beat to combine. Form 2 disks and wrap in plastic wrap; chill at least 4 hours or overnight.

  2. In a coffee or spice grinder, grind the poppy seeds coarsely. 在锅中加入牛奶加热罂粟籽, 蜂蜜, 葡萄干和皮屑, stirring over medium-low heat until thickened, 约20分钟. 我们很酷. 这可以提前完成, 冷藏过夜, or 45 minutes before the dough chilling time is over.

  3. Line two sheet pans with parchment, preheat oven to 325⁰F. 把每一圈面团擀成12英寸的圆,大约1/8英寸厚, then spread each with half of the filling. Use a pizza cutter or chef’s knife to cut each round in 12 wedges. 把每一块卷起来,从宽的一端开始,把尖端弯曲成新月形. 放在平底锅上,冷却一小时.

  4. 烤40分钟, 20分钟后,在上下烤箱架之间切换锅的位置.

  5. 将烤盘放在冷却架上,让面包卷在烤盘上冷却10分钟, then transfer to the racks to cool completely. 冷却后,在密封容器中保存一周或在冰箱中保存一个月.




While matzo ball soup is traditionally served during Passover, 这里温暖舒适的自然环境很适合十二月的天气.



  • 3个大鸡蛋

  • 3 tablespoons chicken fat or vegetable oil

  • 3/4杯无酵饼

  • 3/4茶匙盐

  • 1/2茶匙发酵粉

  • 黑胡椒粉

  • 3汤匙冷水


  • 一汤匙植物油

  • 1个大洋葱,切碎

  • 3根大胡萝卜,切片

  • 3根芹菜排骨,切碎

  • 2瓣蒜,剁碎

  • 12-ounce chicken breast, boneless, skinless, cubed

  • 8杯鸡汤

  • 黑胡椒粉

  • 1茶匙干莳萝


  1. 做无酵饼:在一个中等大小的碗里轻轻搅拌鸡蛋,然后加入脂肪或油. 加入无酵饼, 盐, 在蛋液中加入泡打粉和少许胡椒粉,搅拌均匀. 在水里搅拌,冷藏30分钟,直到水分被吸收.

  2. 做汤:在一个大锅里,淋上油,用中火加热. 加入洋葱, 胡萝卜和芹菜, 炒到发出咝咝声, then reduce to medium-low heat for 5 minutes. Stir in the garlic and chicken and raise the heat to medium high. 煮大约4分钟,偶尔搅拌一下,直到斑点变成浅褐色.

  3. 加入鸡汤, 胡椒粉和莳萝煮开, then reduce the heat to low to maintain a gentle simmer, 然后盖上锅盖.

  4. Scoop rounded tablespoons of matzo mixture, roll each scoop into a ball and drop into the simmering soup. When all the matzo balls are in the soup, 盖上盖子,调一下火,把汤调到小火慢炖. Cook for 30-40 minutes, and then serve hot.




A braided bread of Ashkenazi Jewish origin, challah is traditionally eaten on special occasions like Shabbat, 犹太新年, 当然, 光明节.


  • 半杯温水

  • 2¼茶匙活性酵母(1包)

  • 3汤匙糖,分开

  • 1/4杯植物油

  • 4个大鸡蛋

  • 1茶匙盐

  • 3 cups all-purpose flour, plus more for shaping

  • 碗用油


  1. In a stand mixer fitted with the dough hook, 或者放在大碗里, 混合水, 酵母, 再加一茶匙糖. 搅拌使酵母溶解,静置约五分钟,直至起泡. 加入剩余的糖、油和三个鸡蛋,搅拌均匀. 加入盐和两杯面粉, mixing well before adding the remaining cup of flour, 一次半杯. 当所有的面粉混合在一起,一个柔软的,微粘的面团应该产生.

  2. Transfer the dough to a lightly floured counter and knead lightly. Wash and dry the bowl and drizzle with a dab of oil, then place the dough in the bowl and turn it over to coat. Cover the bowl with a damp kitchen towel.

  3. Let the dough rise for an hour and a half, until doubled in size. Punch down, then let rise again for 45 minutes.

  4. Line a large sheet pan with parchment paper and reserve.

  5. 把面团移到撒了面粉的台子上,均匀分成三份. Roll each one out to form a “rope” about 18 inches long. 将三根绳子彼此平行地放在柜台上,并在顶部将两端捏在一起, 然后把绳子编成辫子, pulling the outside piece over the center piece, 交流双方. When braided, pinch the bottom ends together and tuck under the loaf. 转移到铺有羊皮纸的锅里.

  6. 用湿毛巾盖住面包,让它发酵45分钟,或者直到变大一倍. While the bread rises, preheat the oven to 375 F.

  7. Whisk the remaining egg in a cup and get a pastry brush. Brush with egg wash and bake for 25 minutes. 当面包的顶部是金黄色的,当你用指尖轻敲它时,它会发出空心的声音, 完成了. Transfer to a rack to cool for at least 10 minutes before slicing.


图片由Love提供 & 橄榄油


Christmas has ham, Thanksgiving has turkey, and 光明节 has brisket!

考虑到牛腩肉是一种可以喂饱一大群人的洁食肉, its quickly become a popular dish that is enjoyed during Passover, 犹太新年, 和Hannukah.

这是来自爱与橄榄油的食谱,用低火慢炖牛腩,结果是肉变软了, saucy dish that’s really a good idea any time of year, but especially satisfying on a chilly 光明节 night.

在Love网站上找到完整的食谱 & 橄榄油




A classic 光明节 side dish that’s as tasty as it is fun to say, noodle kugel is a must-bake comfort food item this holiday season.

鲜嫩的鸡蛋面和自制的混合干酪蛋奶冻搅在一起, 奶油芝士, 酸奶油, 黄油, 和鸡蛋, before being baked a topped with a 脆脆的 cornflake topping.


Find the full recipe at Dinner at the Zoo




Twice-baked, 脆脆的, and ideal for dipping in a cup of coffee or tea, 曼德尔面包是一种传统的犹太饼干,类似于意大利脆饼.

在切成片之前,将巧克力饼干式的面团放在一起,放在圆木中烘烤, 侧身翻转, sprinkled with cinnamon 糖 and baked again until golden and crisp.


Find the full recipe at Once Upon a Chef






A drizzle of glaze and a sprinkle of blue, 白色, 和金色的糖屑将整个蛋糕结合在一起,形成一个新的食谱,你一定会在每年的光明节的8个夜晚中加入这个食谱.

在the Spruce Eats上找到完整的食谱



What’s a Hannukah celebration without gelt?!

And if you don’t want to bother making gelt from scratch, 顺便去皇冠博彩买些节日展览上的公平贸易巧克力胶!



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